sábado, 8 de setembro de 2007

Rio and São Paulo International Fests September - November 2006

Premiados da 30ª Mostra Int'l de Cinema em São Paulo
Melhor Filme– Prêmio do Júri e Prêmio da Crítica
Categoria Nacional: O Cheiro do Ralo, de Heitor Dhalia

Prêmio do Júri – Menção Honrosa:
O Ano em que Meus Pais Saíram de Férias

de Cao Hamburger (Brasil)

Prêmio do Público–Melhor Documentário Estrangeiro:
Uma Verdade Inconveniente-Davis Guggenheim (EUA)

And here is my list of the top films, seen at the 2006 Rio & São Paulo Film Festivals. I'm not including the films mentioned in My Lists of the Top Films of 2007, like THE QUEEN, THE DEPARTED, VOLVER, PAN'S LABYRINTH, THE ILLUSIONIST & THE PRESTIGE, AMONG OTHERS, most of which I saw at these festivals. I'm also not including the prize-winning films named above. Here are my favorites from the 2006 festivals:

C.R.A.Z.Y. (Canadá) It's a story of 2 love affairs.

A father's love for his 5 sons. And one son's love for his father, a love so strong it compels him to live a lie. That son is Zac born on Christmas Day 1960, different from all his brothers, but desperate to fit in.During the next 20 years, life takes Zac on a surprising & unexpected journey that ultimately leads him to accept his true nature and, even more importantly, leads his father to love him for who he really is. A mystical fable about a modern-day Christ-like figure, "C.R.A.Z.Y" exudes the beauty, the poetry and the madness of the human spirit in all its contradictions. Written by Jean-Marc Vallée

The Wind That Shakes the Barley - A masterpiece Drama/War/Irish Independence sagaA sympathetic look at Republicans in early 20th century Ireland, and two brothers who are torn apart by anti-Brit rebellion.

O Pequeno Tenente: linearidade narrativa O Pequeno Tenente, de Xavier Beauvois, foge do formato do filme de ação e apresenta a atividade de investigação criminal de forma naturalista, quase um docudrama.

Time, de Kim Ki-duk, reacende a polêmica em torno das qualidades artísticas do diretor coreano, já conhecido pelo público brasileiro por Casa Vazia e Primavera, Verão, Outono, Inverno... e Primavera. Seu novo filme conta a história de uma mulher que se submete a uma cirurgia plástica para agradar ao namorado.

Aurora (Aurore, 2006), primeiro longa-metragem de ficção de Nils Tavernier, filho de Bertrand Tavernier, é um conto de fadas com coreografias de balé no estilo clássico.

Crónica de una fuga (Argentina) Directed by Adrián CaetanoThriller based on the true escape ("Fuga") by a goalkeeper of a little-known B.Aires soccer team, mistakenly kidnapped by a Argentinean mitary dictatorship squad and sent to a detention center. After months of torture, he plots his escape with three other young men.

AT THE TIME, many predicted this film would bring Argentina its second Best ForeignFilm Oscar in 20 years.

Dein Herz in meinem Hirn (Germany) Directed by Rosa von PraunheimIt's in my top mainly due to the themes addressed: Bisexual and Gay Cannabalism, based on Germany's notorious bloody sex & canabalistic banquet a few years back.
Director Rosa Von Praunheim
Plot: A fictional (using a different city - Berlin in the film and different character names) retelling of the events that led to the death, also showing the death of Bernd Juergen Brandes. He was the infamous, though willing GAY cannabalism victim. Brandes (who was apparently not gay, but suicidal and passively cannabalistic) respondeded to Armin (who was gay and cannaibalistic) Meiwes' Internet ad in 2001, where Meiwes indicated that he was looking for a man willing to be killed and eaten The hemorraging was to be controlled so the victim could remain alive witnessing and supposedly enjoying watching his now-partner Armin eating his (Bernd's) penis and scrotum, among other body parts.

Not to be confused as a documentary, mockumentary, or fictionalized "true story." The film is more than fictionalized, but even so, could not be released in Germany only after the court decision in late 2005 or early 2006. It was first shown in September 2005 at the Montréal Film Festival, but waited for further exposure until its UK screenings on 2 November 2006 at the Outsiders Film Festival, and in Brazil in November 2006 through early December.During Brasil's MIX Festival of Sexual Diversity, the film traveled to several cities, besides Rio and S.Paulo, with multiple showings at 2 or 3 venues per city. I saw it at Central Rio de Janeiro's Centro Cultural BB at the end of November. The film is also known as (AKA) "Your Heart in My Head" - the English title.

Princesas (2005) Espanha. Fernando León de Aranoa, de Segunda-feira ao Sol. volta a retratar o mundo dos pobres e dos perdedores em Princesas, sobre duas prostitutas em Madri. Sem se preocupar com os aspectos mais brutais do tema, o diretor espanhol cria uma história singela sobre amizade, sonhos e esperanças que nem a violência consegue desfazer.

Verão em Berlim ganhou o prêmio do júri de melhor roteiro no Festival Internacional de Cinema de San Sebastian, na Espanha. Andreas Dresen ganhou o de melhor diretor no Festival de Cinema da Bavária. E o prêmio de melhor atriz do Festival Internacional de Cinema de Chicago ficou com Inka Friedrich, que atuou também em Willenbrock.

Dália Negra se baseia em um crime real: comoção Após quatro anos ausente das telas, o diretor americano Brian De Palma voltou a causar polêmica e comoção com seu último trabalho, Dália Negra, baseado no romance de James Ellroy, o mesmo autor de L.A. Confidential. A história parte de um fato real: o escabroso assassinato de Elizabeth Short, atriz pornô aspirante a estrela na Los Angeles de 1947.

Pela primeira vez exibido na América Latina, Havana: A Nova Arte de Construir Ruínas retrata a vida de cinco pessoas que habitam os decadentes prédios da capital cubana. Há nove anos no país, o diretor alemão Florian Borchmeyer documentou o que deve ser o fim da Havana Vieja, antes que os prédios sejam descaracterizados ou simplesmente desabem.

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